Prof. Dr. Gülsu Ulukavak-Harputlugil
Çankaya University, Chair of Department of Architecture
IEA EBC TCP Executive Committee Member
IBPSA Member
IBPSA-Turkiye, Board Vice-Chair and Affiliate Representative
Since 1998, Gülsu U. Harputlugil has been working as an academic researcher. She had a PhD degree in Architectural Science in 2009 from Gazi University, Ankara. In 2005, she worked as a visiting researcher for 6 months in the “Building Performance Simulation” group of Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. After PhD, she worked as a “post-doc researcher” for 6 months in Delft Technical University in the Netherlands. Recently she is working as a full time Professor at Çankaya University Faculty of Architecture and responsible of several under-graduate and graduate courses including Architectural Design Studio, Building Science and Construction Systems.
Her scholarly interests cover energy efficient building design, net zero energy/carbon/water buildings, performance evaluation and building simulation. She has a substantial track record in improving the energy performance of buildings, and deep knowledge of performance assessment strategies that may be used in the building process. Her research has been focused on performance evaluation techniques (particularly building performance simulations), improvement of performance evaluation during design process, and exploring integration possibilities of performance simulation tools into design process. Regarding the pursuit of improved energy performance, she has published a range of papers published about the robustness of low-energy design, and the prospects for improving the process by implementing sensitivity analysis. Since 2010, her research has also explored impact of occupant behavior on energy consumption of dwellings, renovation strategies of current building stock and climate change adaptation strategies for buildings and communities.
Most of her research have been funded/granted by TUBITAK and British Council Newton Fund. She has participated in many national and international research projects as a “senior expert” in the relevant field. From 2020, she is chair of Department of Architecture at Çankaya University. Besides she stands as an executive committee member of IEA EBC TCP (IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities Technology Collaboration Program) and board member of TTMD (Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers). She is also member of IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) and Board Vice-Chair and Affiliate Representative of IBPSA-Turkey since 2017. She is married with two children. ⇐Back